Ostium secundum-Defekt

zentral gelegen

teilweise multiple (=fenestriertes Septum)

Anlotungen: subcostal, A4C, PSAX

RIM-Messungen in Richtung MV, AV, IVC, RUPV

TOE für transcatheter ASD-Verschluss in 90 Grad (bicaval)

cave: der Ostium secundum Defekt ist ein Defekt des Septum primums:

An ostium secundum ASD most often occurs as the result of a true deficiency of septum primum tissue; it is the most common form of a true ASD. The superior and posterior margins of the defect are composed of the septum secundum, the anterior margin is composed of the AV canal septum, and the inferior margin is composed of the septum primum and left venous valve of the inferior vena cava.18 These defects can vary in shape and can be elliptical or round (Figure 8). With large ostium secundum defects, the septum primum is often nearly or completely absent (2)

  1. Lancellotti P and Cosyns B (2016). Lancellotti, P; Cosyns, B The EACVI echo handbook. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
  2. Silvestry F, Cohen M, Armsby L, Burkule N, Fleishman C, Hijazi Z, Lang R, Rome J and Wang Y (2015) Guidelines for the Echocardiographic Assessment of Atrial Septal Defect and Patent Foramen Ovale: From the American Society of Echocardiography and Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography 8: 910–958.

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